Once you have set up your DNN website you can start creating your blog with our Ultimate Blog Module SunBlogNuke. The SunBlogNuke has many features you can customize to make your blog entries look better. In this tutorial, I am glad to show you how to customize SunBlogNuke with magic enhancement, which is more easy ways to fix your requirement at once. Okay, let us get started it. :)

Before I have shared how to done some customizations about Widget Module, especially Enhance Featured Widget Module with More Customizations and How to Add Retweet Feature into Your DNN Blog. Today I would like to show some great core customizations of SunBlogNuke. The tutorial will go through the way that reply some frequently asked questions about SunBlogNuke as follows. In the process, I will share some tips & tricks about customizing your DNN blog:

"Can I change the text ‘Was it good for you too?’ in the Comment Form. For now I’ve just hidden it with CSS."

"Are anonymous comments supported in SunBlog? There is reference to anonymous comments in Discussion settings which suggests they are, but I find these settings a bit confusing also."

Wording Changes with DNN Core Localization Panel

If you have the same requirement to modify some words in SunBlogNuke, please let us go through the easy process. For example, you want to change the comments text pictured below:


To read: Please join the discussion. To make a comment, you will need to register and login.

Actually you can modify it yourself easily. They are resource text and localizable, which are placed in App_LocalResources folder. You can utilize the DNN core localization panel with going to the Admin–>Language page to modify all values. Take a look at the screenshot:

1) Find out the resource file “ViewEntry.ascx.resx”


2) Look for the resource key “AddCommentWithMustLogin.Text”


Note: you must back up the resource files before you apply updates of SunBlogNuke because it may get overwritten. After upgrading it completely you should combine some changes for this update.

Setting Configuration

If you also find these comment settings a bit confusing like the question 3 mentioned in the beginning of the post, let me clarify matters first by first here. First take a glance at those settings below:

1. Users must be registered and logged in to comment
2. Always approval for the comment
3. Allow anonymous users to post comments
4. Approval for anonymous comments required

And the more details about the above comment configuration as follows:

1) Users must be registered and logged in to comment: it is the basic option for comment, turn off means the current blog will not open for comment.
2) Always approval for the comment : all the comments which posted by registered user must be approved before it is published.
3) Allow anonymous users to post comments: all users, including anonymous users, can post comment in current blog
4) Approval for anonymous comments required: any comments which posted by anonymous users must be approved before it is published.

so if you want to let the anonymous users to post comment, you should check the 1) option and active it at first otherwise the left comment options will be disable and unchecked.

Please pay more attentions to the Setting Configure Panel where you can find more magic stuffs out, like avatar and social bookmark. If you have some thoughts about the post or need to do more customizations about our DNN blog module, please feel free to comment below or send us a note.

Good luck and happy writing.

The SunBlogNuke Team