As you know, the dnn blogging module SunBlogNuke supported Disqus out of the box but wasn't able to export the existing comments to Disqus. And our clients ever requested to move their existing blog comments over to Disqus, too. Fortunately, the v4.7 began to totally support export blog data with blogml format,  so you can use any 3rd party tools to convert the comments to WXR. Then you can import the WXR file under the Generic option in Disqus.

Just search term 'blogml to wxr' in Google you should get lots of similar converters. Here we recommend this simple converter, which works well with our exported file. The tool is a Windows console application that takes two parameters, the BlogML import file and the WXR output, i.e.:

BlogMLtoDisqus.exe C:\BlogML.xml C:\ForDisqus.wxr.

To export comments of SunBlogNuke to Disqus, please follow up the simple steps below:

  1. Login in your blog dashboard of SunBlogNuke with host/admin account.
  2. Go to 'Import/Export Panel' and click 'export' button to download the full BlogML export from your dnn blog.
  3. Provide that you have placed the console tool & the export file in the folder d:\. Go to the folder and execute it in the command window like that:

    BlogMLtoDisqus.exe d:\BlogML.xml d:\ForDisqus.wxr

    Note that you’ll need to install .NET 4.0 as well if you don’t already have it. If you can’t convert it successfully, you can send us the exported blogml file and we will help you deal with it.
  4. If there is no error throwing, now you should get the converted WXR file. Next just feel free to import it under the Generic option in Disqus.

If you have more questions about  this topic or blogging,  Please feel free to post a comment below.  I’ll be happy to help.