From Ultimate DNN Module – SunBlogNuke v4.6, it introduced the superior feature that any commented post in your blog also asynchronously published into the Journal of the Active Social module. Now we will show you how to active this hidden featured. Please follow up the instructions below:

  1. Download the "ActiveSocial" package from extension directory.
  2. Unzip it into your local machine. There you should find out 2 files - SunBlogNuke.Extensions.ActiveSocial.dll & Settings.xml.
  3. Open up the Settings.xml with any html editor. Config node 'Key' with the Access Key, which you get from Active Social module, plus specify the node [SummaryLimit] with number (which controls the summary length to show in the journal ) and make sure [Active] = true.
  4. Upload the SunBlogNuke.Extensions.ActiveSocial.dll into the bin folder of your dnn website. Then upload another configuration files Settings.xml into the folder $ROOT/DesktopModules/SunBlog/Extensions/ActiveSocial/. Note that if folder not existed, create it.
  5. Restart Application in the Host Settings.

Update: from this v4.8.2, the “ActiveSocial” extension is not required anymore and it will be removed from our extension directory.