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Lots of tutorials & guideline how to get started with our DNN Blog Module - SunBlogNuke, including advanced tips and tricks.


Posts Tagged 'blogging'

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Getting Started DNN Blog

This video tutorial covers how to get started your dnn blog with Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke, including how to add blog module into page, create new blog instance, write first post & configure some basic settings. Thanks a lot for the contribution by Aderson Oliveira (you can get more dnn video tutorials in

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Setting up Multiple Blogs

Here this tutorial covers the best practice for setting up multiple blogs in DNN website; plus some troubling in the process. Follow up the steps below with admin/host account: Create a new page (DNN "tab"/page) with some common settings you want. Add SunBlog module to this current page. Note that if you ever built more than one blog in the website, the current blog page should be the aggregated blog view and all the existing blogs will be there. Next you need to bind the target blog with the current page. If not any, please create a new blog instance firstly. Enter dashboard with admin/host account and click 'Blogs' icon to go to the "manage blogs" panel, where you can manipulate all the blogs hosted in the website, such as create a new blog instance or edit blog's properties. As you look in the screenshot, our "Knowledge Base" page, "Showcase Gallery" page & "Team blog" page are separate blogs and built with supporting multi ...

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Updated for the v4.2.5. As for the SunBlog module, the installation process is simple and similar with any other dnn standard modules. You can upload the install package (PA) from the "Install New Module/Extension" panel. When it have been installed successfully, the following modules are added to the DNN site and also you will find them in the "Module Definitions" panel: SunBlog: this is the main SunBlog module. SunBlog – Authors Widget: this is one of SunBlog's featured utility module to display a list of authors for the blog. SunBlog - TagCloud Widget: it allows to display a list of tags retrieved from one specific blog with tagcloud or tag cumulus mode. SunBlog - Recent Comments Widget: it allows to display a list of recent comments retrieved from one specific blog. SunBlog - Categories Widget: it allows to display a list of categories/blogs retrieved from one specific blog. SunBlog – Content Slider Widget: this is one of SunBlog's featured utility module. Use ...

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Integrated with Window Live Writer

Here we would like to tell you how to write your post of "SunBlog" with Window Live Writer(WLW). You know, the Window Live Writer is so great for post management of web blog that "SunBlog" had supported this killer feature natively. And another reason is that editing a long blog post in the FCK editor is painful.  Anyone who has ever lost a blog post because of a login timeout knows just how painful it truly can be. I spend an hour or more writing my blog posts and to have it just disappear is enough to make you cry. Ok, if you haven't yet set up your WLW to post to your blog, now let us go ahead. It's really easy. Here's the simple steps below: Start WLW, and progress through the first couple of steps, indicating you already have a blog, and that it's with 'Another Blog Service'. Enter your blog URL(That should be your blog home page url, like and user account which related with your blog. Select "MetaWeblog API" as the type ...

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