Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about Ultra DNN Media Gallery Module – GalleryPlus.

What is GalleryPlus?
GalleryPlus is the ultra photo gallery framework built on top of DotNetNuke(DNN) platform, which includes lots of media viewers & attractive themes with many customizable display options, such as lightbox, prettyPhoto & slideshow. Take a tour now.
How is GalleryPlus licensed?
GalleryPlus is licensed under the "EULA - End User License Agreement". Please visit the link to get the more detail about the terms of the license for our modules.
If I have trouble about our modules, can you help out and where I can find helps?
Yes, as long as the trouble is GalleryPlus related. And you can find almost everything you need at our GalleryPlus Wiki page. If you want to technical support or bug reports about GalleryPlus module, please check out the support forum.
Could you please let us know if we qualify for the upgrade and if so how to proceed? Is it as simple as just uploading the new version?
Yes, you can feel free to access upgrade with license for a year and you can renew it when your free upgrade subscription expired. And in the upgrade process, please install any dnn standard modules. 
Is there an upgrade path from professional to enterprise?
You can just pay us the price difference for the upgrade and we will assigned you a new download link to get the enterprise version.