Testimonials from customers and clients are used on a lot of websites to demonstrate credibility and build trust. There are also many sites with different approaches to showcase testimonials in action. Here I would like to share some simple steps to implement random testimonials with our featured widget of Ultimate DNN Blog Module - SunBlogNuke. Hopefully these will give you some ideas for use in your own dnn website when you are using our dnn blog module.

Note that the killer feature is not supported until the latest version 3.0.0 which will be available later (It is available now and please get the more detailed release note from the post SunBlogNuke v3.0 Released). With the v3.0, we enhance the featured widget with including the [ENTRY] token and random view mode so that you can show the detailed content of current post and render one post randomly. Please visit the upgrades page to see how it action. If you also want to implement our testimonial solution, just follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure that you had built a Testimonials category in your blog and published some excellent posts about your works review from the clients.
  2. Add the "Featured Entries Widget" module into your target page.
  3. Please select the "widget setting" from the left top menu to enter the administrative panel.
  4. Configure some necessary options, like choosing target blog and target category [Testimonials], checking the random mode and just filling in [ENTRY] in the template textbox. The options are pretty clear – here’s the screenshots of the admin screen:


  5. Click "Update" to to apply it. Now it should action as you expected. That’s all. :)