dnn-blog-valid-feedAs usual, it is the time to monthly release of Ultimate DNN Blog Module - SunBlogNuke :) Now it is v5.1 with some enhancements & lots of fixes. In this building, we focused on the feed output. We looked into deeply the rules of the RSS specification and rewritten all the codes  about feed generator. Not only the new feed output passed the Feed Validator, but also it supported with more useful feed elements, such as enclosure, 'content:encoded' & webmaster etc. For example, with element 'enclosure' we will be able to associates a media object such as an image, an audio or video file with every feed post; with 'content:encoded' it offers a means of defining item content with more precision than the description element as the specification said:

The content:encoded element can be used in conjunction with the description element to provide an item's full content along with a shorter summary. Under this approach, the complete text of the item is presented in content:encoded and the summary in description.

Also we provided one alternative way to customize the categories tag output. Now you can use the new method

/// <summary>
/// Separated category links with desired separator(such as commas) and format token.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="separator">The desired separator, such as commas</param>
/// <param name="format">The format token</param>
/// <returns>The category links</returns>
protected virtual string CategoryLinks(string separator, string format)

In common, you can use it like that in your customized theme view files, BaseView.ascx & DetailView.ascx

<span class="blog-icon post-cat">Filed in <%=CategoryLinks(", ", "<a href=\"{0}\" title=\"View all posts in {1}\">{1}</a>")%></span>

Major Highlights in v5.1:

  • ENH - Supported tab title with culture code of multilingual sites in the blog manage panel.
  • ENH - Rewrite feed generator and supported more elements, such as enclosure, 'content:encoded' & webmaster etc.
  • ENH - Publish date section in the edit post panel & NavZone with active effect.
  • FIX - not retrieve theme view file correctly.
  • FIX - tagcloud widget with Non-Unicode characters issue.
  • FIX - Recaptcha.dll version conflict issue.
  • FIX - Dashboard issue without any blog instance there.
  • FIX - Related date options in the general settings panel.
  • FIX - jQuery conflict in dnn5.+, including dnn6.

NOTE: from v5.0 the SunBlogNuke will begin to not support dnn4 any more because it will utilize lots of core APIs introduced from DNN5+, such as Taxonomy. If you are still using the dnn4, you don’t have to be worry about it because we will also maintain independent branch of the older version 4.x, which will always be compatible with dnn4 and may be updated with fixes without new features any more.

You can get it here. Blog your way and enjoy life. :)

The SunBlogNuke Team