SunBlogNuke Team Blog

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From category archives: SunBlogNuke Team Blog

Any release notes about our dnn modules, such as SunBlogNuke, GalleryPlus & CommentsPlus.

A Quick Note for Enhanced and Fixed Version - SunBlogNuke 3.7.x

As you know, we recently released Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke v3.7.x with some enhancements and small fixes, including code refactoring. When you would like to upgrade this version, please note that if you had developed any customized theme ever you MUST modify all view files lightly, including BasicView.ascx, DetailView.ascx, CommentView.ascx, TagsView.ascx, SearchView.ascx, and PrintView.ascx. Just follow the two steps below:

  1. Find out your customized theme folder which should be placed in the $YourRoot/DesktopModules/SunBlog/Themes/YourCustimizedTheme/.
  2. Open up the BasicView.ascx, find the first line declaration and modify it like that:


    <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableViewState="false" Inherits="DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.Framework.PostViewBase" %>

    Modified:(yes, it is so easy and just modify "Framework" into "UI".)

    <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" EnableViewState="false" Inherits="DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.UI.PostViewBase" %>
  3. Like the step 2), check out whether there is declaration about Toolkit. If exists, modify it like that:


    <%@ Register TagPrefix="toolkit" Namespace="DnnSun.WebControls.Toolkit" Assembly="DnnSun.Modules.SunBlogNuke" %>

    Modified:(You should notice that just modify "DnnSun.Modules.SunBlogNuke" into "SunBlogNuke.Core".)

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="toolkit" Namespace="DnnSun.WebControls.Toolkit" Assembly="SunBlogNuke.Core" %>

The same process for the other view files.

In the end, make sure you MUST follow the tutorial if you had developed any customized theme ever, otherwise you will encounter the error like "Could not load type 'DnnSun.SunBlogNuke.Framework.PostViewBase'.". When you visit your good main blog page in your dnn website. If not just skip it :) Hope it makes sense for you.

Best DNN Blogging Module – SunBlogNuke v3.6.1

Today we are glad that the monthly release v3.6.1 for Ultimate DotNetNuke blog module – SunBlogNuke is available for download. In this building we full supported for dnn core token replace functionality and provided two new optional awesome widget - category widget and tagcloud widget, which you can add into any page at any time and point it to any blog on the portal. Later we will provide more tutorials here to cover the usage and customizations for flexible and extensible token mechanism. As usual, the complete details for all of the changes can be found in the Release Notes.

Major Highlights in v3.6.1:
  • Supported two new category widget & tagcloud widget, which you can add into any page at any time and point it to any blog on the portal.
  • Full support for dnn core token replace functionality.
  • Enhanced content slider widget with supporting category and tag tokens.
  • Supported slug for category and enhanced FormatSEOFriendlyURL method .
  • Added tag mouseover/hover color option to control tagcumulus flash.
  • Fixed issue where critical error something not set to an instance of the object after upgrade.
  • Other small fixes & more customizations.

As with any release, we recommend you perform a complete file and database backup before performing any upgrade on a production website and that you first conduct a trial upgrade on a staging version of the site. Following these guidelines will ensure that you are able to recover should any unforeseen problems arise during the upgrade process.

You can get it here. Enjoy blogging and good writing! :)

The SunBlogNuke Team

Quick Update with Fixing the Embed Tag Issue

Hello, I hope everyone has been having a good weekend! 

It's been a few weeks since my last post, and although we don't quite have any releases to tell you about yet, everyone here at our team has been working very hard on updates to Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke.  We are as anxious to release new features as you are to have them, but our goal is to never sacrifice quality for speed. In the mean time, we appreciate your patience!

Now I would like to gladly inform you that we made a quick update for the fixed version 3.5.8 SunBlogNuke. This version includes some minor fixes like rolling back the option [SupportFormat] for Content Slider Widget, fixing the embed tag issue and fixing issue where post count not correct showing in monthly archive view. Those issues may exist in the v3.5.x and we recommend that you have better to upgrade for fixing them in your website.

You can get it here. Enjoy blogging and good writing! :)

The SunBlogNuke Team

Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke v3.5.4 Release Candidate

Today I am glad to announce that the latest version of Ultimate DNN Blog Module - SunBlogNuke v3.5.4 Release Candidate is available for free upgrade, which implemented some the high priority feature requests and fixed some urgent bugs. As usual, the complete details for all of the changes can be found in the Release Notes.

Major Highlights in v3.5.4

  • Fixed issue where draft posts appear in the archive post count.
  • Fixed issue where scheduled posts appear in the archive view.
  • Fixed issue where view count should exclude clicks from search engine crawlers and robots.
  • Enhanced Author Widget with template support which you configure in the widget settings like Content Slider Widget.
  • Supported search feature in post manage panel.
  • Supported blogid and current (EntryInfo) properties in post view model.
  • Added DashBoardZone widget which will provide better User Experience.
  • Added new fields [Slug], [MetaKeywords] & [MetaDescription] for SEO and provided you more control over how your content is recognized.
  • Supported convenient feature - the single-click approval emails for pending review comments.
  • Supported new option with which you can control the length of Auto-Generated Feed Summary.
  • Other small fixes & more customizations.

As with any release, we recommend you perform a complete file and database backup before performing any upgrade on a production website and that you first conduct a trial upgrade on a staging version of the site. Following these guidelines will ensure that you are able to recover should any unforeseen problems arise during the upgrade process.

When we released the SunBlogNuke v3.5.0 last week, some issues occurred in the upgrade process. Then we looked into the install package and found out the problem. It is because of their customized theme not compatible with the latest version as we came to the Conclusion in the post [Develop Your Customized Theme for DNN Blog Module]:

The benefits of developing customized theme is that you will not overwrite the modified design in the upgrade process. There may be some compatible issues with the latest version but it should not occur in common. Please note that if there exists some errors you may have to compare it with the core theme and try to fix it. And if you have any questions simply leave a comment and I’ll jump in and help you out.

For example, you open up the detailview.ascx in your customized theme and find out the register line and modify it as follows:


<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="Rating" Src="~/DesktopModules/SunBlog/Shared/Widget_**Rating.ascx**" %>


<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="Rating" Src="~/DesktopModules/SunBlog/Shared/**Rating.ascx**" %>

Well, please feel free to get this release candidate here. Enjoy blogging and good writing! :)

The SunBlogNuke Team

Ultimate Blog Module SunBlogNuke v3.4 for the DotNetNuke CMS

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!  It’s been a little while since our last SunBlogNuke Update, but things here at SunBlogNuke Modules have remained busy!  Ultimate blog module SunBlogNuke 03.04.00 was released yesterday evening.  This release contains several fixes to issues that had emerged with previous releases, as well as enhancements, such as the ability to support [EXCERPTTEXT] & [EXCERPT] token for customized template, to provide you with the option for rendering items of monthly archive list.  For complete release notes, please follow this link Release Notes.

Read the rest of entry »

SunBlogNuke v3.3 Available with Automatic Authors Assignment

In the past months there are lots of feature requests for Ultimate DNN Blog Module – SunBlogNuke from our customers; we are appreciate those feedback and review them carefully. Today the enhanced version SunBlogNuke 3.1.0 is available with automatic authors assignment, which is also one of the high priority feature requests. As usual, the complete details for all of the changes can be found in the Release Notes.

Major Highlights (updated for fixed version 3.3)

  • Supported the sort order feature when editing categories.
  • Supported links in comments.
  • Fixed the issue where multiple contents in the core search results.
  • Fixed the issue where TagCumulus disappear without enabling Friendly Urls.
  • Fixed issue where all featured posts disappear when posted back.
  • Fixed issue where there are spaces in tags.
  • Fixed issue with the tagcloud where it is not compatible with the iFinity URL Master module.
  • Fixed issue where all posts disappear when upgrading with v2.4.x.
  • Enhanced RPC client service with Metaweblog API.
  • Enhanced RssFeed output and fixed some Rss format validate issues.
  • Provided the switch option to control the comments order, like from oldest to newest or vice versa.
  • Extended blog permission/role – Allow bind the blog role with DNN core role. You get the detailed issue from the post - Automatic authors assignment.
  • Fixed issue where toolbar and share icons cut off in IE.
  • Supported for RSS auto-discovery aggregation so that your blog RSS feed is easily accessible to visitors for subscribing to it in the latest web browsers, such as IE or Firefox.
  • Supported for RSD (Really Simple Discoverability) which allows client software to auto-discover RPC services using nothing more than the URL for your blog.
  • Other fixes and more customizations.

As with any release, we recommend you perform a complete file and database backup before performing any upgrade on a production website and that you first conduct a trial upgrade on a staging version of the site. Following these guidelines will ensure that you are able to recover should any unforeseen problems arise during the upgrade process.

You can get it here. Enjoy blogging and good writing! :)

The SunBlogNuke Team

SunBlogNuke v3.0 Released

I am pleased to announce that SunBlogNuke 3.0.0 has been released.  SunBlogNuke 3.0.0 is a monthly stabilization release and includes a number of fixes aimed at improving the overall stability and flexibility of the platform. Over the last year we have been undergoing a lot of efforts behind the scenes in how we manage the DotNetNuke release process so that our releases are becoming more predictable and with greater emphasis on testing.  This particular release reflects those process improvements. As usual, the complete details for all of the changes can be found in the Release Notes.

Major Highlights

  • Enhanced the thumbnail feature.
  • Extended the featured widget module by adding random view mode and [ENTRY] token with which you do some more customizations, like showing random testimonial described in that post Showcase your testimonials with featured widget.
  • Supported profile feature and you can show author’s profile in the bottom of every post as WordPress.
  • Added the ability to specify the maximum number of related posts rendered in every post view mode.
  • SEO optimization in category view
  • Implemented separate archive feature with all the posts categorized by month.
  • Enhanced Tag cloud module in the sidebar with supporting common and flash mode (known as "TagCumulus").
  • Added the ability to customize post time with Formatting Date Time with suffix like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
  • Fixed issue where blog user table was related with the core user data and caused problems when deleting any portal with any blog instance.
  • Fixed issue that "description can not be null." when trying to retrieve the Rss Feed.
  • Supported the author avatar showed in the recent posts list and single post view, which is default demonstrated in the [RoyalYellow] theme.
  • Cleaned up the database script and removed some unnecessary stored procedures.
  • Updated the CookComputing.XmlRpc dll and fixed the conflict between modules, like Metapost module.
  • Made it compatible with more old dnn version and now you can apply it DNN4.6.x and later version, including latest DNN v5.2..2.
  • Other fixes and more customizations.

As with any release, we recommend you perform a complete file and database backup before performing any upgrade on a production website and that you first conduct a trial upgrade on a staging version of the site. Following these guidelines will ensure that you are able to recover should any unforeseen problems arise during the upgrade process.

You can get it here. Enjoy blogging and good writing! :)

The SunBlogNuke Team

DNN Blog Module SunBlogNuke 2.6.3 Released

Today we are very glad to announce that DNN Blog Module SunBlogNuke v2.6.3 is now available. This release includes various enhancements and some bug fixes. Please review the posts Enhance Featured Widget Module with More Customizations and How to Add Retweet Feature into Your DNN Blog, which talk about those extreme features.

Highlight in v2.6.3:

  • support the thumbnail feature.
  • enhance the assign role process.
  • support the Comment Policy feature and fix some bugs in WLW.
  • support the Ctrl+Enter shortcut way to submit comment.
  • fix the special characters issue when on search.
  • add header/footer for all posts.
  • enhance workflow support, now the contributor can submit new post but required approved.
  • enhance the featured widget module for more scenes, for example, the latest posts or top posts.
  • other fixes and more customizations.

You can get it here.

DNN Blog Module ("SunBlogNuke") v2.4.8 is Now Available

Today we are very happy to announce that DNN Blog Module ("SunBlogNuke") v2.4.8 is now available. This release includes various enhancements and some bug fixes. Please review the last post about 5 killer features implemented in this release.

Highlight in v2.4.8:

  • add the captcha feature to prevent comment spam.
  • optimize the feed settings and support the alternate Feed Url, i.e .
  • fix the default category feature.
  • trackback enhancement in post-edit panel
  • WLW enhancement, including support author feature and tag autucomplete.
  • replace the filed [EntryName] with post slug.
  • support the new category feature while writing post.
  • some fixes and more customizations.

You can get it here.

If you want to see information about past releases, check out the release notes.

Announcing SunBlog 2.4.6 Release Candidate

We are very happy to make available a release candidate for SunBlog 2.4.6 today. SunBlog 2.4.6 includes various performance improvements, bug fixes and much more as well.

New in v2.4.6:
  • remove the AjaxControlToolkit dll to fix a lot of issues and get more compatibility.
  • enhance permission management, making it as more workflow.
  • add new authors widget module.
  • fix the notification bugs.
  • add new option [Allow registered users to change their details].
  • enhance the layout of post-edit and tag-edit panel.
  • remove the copyright filed.
  • support customization for the default post settings.
  • enhance the retrieve users process with the autocomplete way when assign contributor.
  • add the default category feature.
  • more customizations

You can get it here.

Copyright © 2009-2024 Ultimate DNN Blog Module - SunBlogNuke Powered by SunBlogNuke Corp