Here we would like to tell you how to write your post of "SunBlog" with Window Live Writer(WLW). You know, the Window Live Writer is so great for post management of web blog that "SunBlog" had supported this killer feature natively. And another reason is that editing a long blog post in the FCK editor is painful.  Anyone who has ever lost a blog post because of a login timeout knows just how painful it truly can be. I spend an hour or more writing my blog posts and to have it just disappear is enough to make you cry. Ok, if you haven't yet set up your WLW to post to your blog, now let us go ahead. It's really easy. Here's the simple steps below: Start WLW, and progress through the first couple of steps, indicating you already have a blog, and that it's with 'Another Blog Service'. Enter your blog URL(That should be your blog home page url, like and user account which related with your blog. Select "MetaWeblog API" as the type ...